Incoming President’s Message

I am so looking forward to serving as President for the 2013-2014 season. My initial priority will be coordinating presentations and obtaining speaker commitments for topics of interest to you; our members. I am seeking your assistance for topics of interest as well as volunteers for speaking at our monthly meetings. Please consider sharing your expertise at one of our upcoming meetings September 2013 through May 2014. Our technical presentations were so interesting this past year, so a big thanks to our 2012-2013 speakers. Also, I’d like to thank our new board members who have volunteered to support our 2013-2014 year.

Those members are: Peter Chakos: Director at Large, Chrissy Stewart: Vice President, Karen Hollertz: Secretary, and Christina Marlier: Treasurer. I owe tremendous thanks to the 2012-2013 board including Gary Balint for his commitment this past year as President and Jim Wasik as Representative to the ACA Society.

Enjoy the summer and we’ll begin our monthly meetings in the fall. The first meeting will be September 9, 2013. Keep watch for announcements of the PSCT Golf Outing which is the fundraiser that predominately supports our scholarship opportunities.

Cindy O’Malley
PSCT President 2013-2014

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