Dear PSCT Members,
I would like to thank the 54 golfers and 26 business sponsors who attended and supported the 2015 Golf Outing. A special thank you goes out to Sam Puglisi and Jim Wasik for organizing and running the event. This is Sam’s XX year of running the golf outing and PSCT and the scholarship recipients are very thankful for what he does.
The proceeds from the golf outing go to the scholarship fund. In addition a $500 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) grant is given each year. This grant is given to an exemplary student who is pursuing a career in one of these fields. The information for the scholarship and grant will be included in next month’s newsletter. Tom Van Kuren is our new scholarship chair. He is looking for volunteers to be on the committee. The committee recommends the requirements at the beginning of the year, reviews submissions, and chooses winners in May. Please contact me or Tom ( if you are interested in volunteering.
I want to thank Chris Gehly for his informative presentation on marking technology at the September meeting. Chris discussed the different technologies that Matthews Marking Systems uses to make marks. It was most surprising to me how many items that utilize marks for tracking or identification purposes.
Our next meeting is October 12, 2015 at Walnut Grill. The speaker is Cliff Schoff. He will be speaking on Sustainability and Coatings. I look forward to seeing you there.
Christina Marlier
PSCT President 2015-2016
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