Dear PSCT Members,
I would like to thank Cliff Schoff for the presentation in October on Sustainability and Coatings. If you know of anyone who would like to join, the PSCT Membership Application and Dues Renewal Form can be found in the back of the newsletter. The contact for Membership and Renewals is Chris Gehly and he can be contacted at 412-365-2345 or We always welcome new faces.
I would like to thank our Scholarship Committee Chair, Tom Van Kuren. He, along with the scholarship committee, are in the process of revising the requirements for the scholarship to be awarded in Spring 2015. If you have a High School Senior or College level student, please stay tuned for the new requirements for the Hiram P. Ball Memorial Scholarship. Please note that the requirements for the parents of the scholarship recipients will not change. A recipient is only eligible if a parent has attended 4 PSCT meetings throughout the year. In addition to the Scholarship award, a grant of $500 will be offered to one student who is enrolled in their third or fourth year of the Science, Technology, Math or Engineering Program. This grant is in addition to the Hiram P. Ball Memorial Scholarship award.
We are doing something different for our December meeting this year. Instead of a speaker we will be having a mid-year social event. It is an evening of fun at the Pittsburgh Glass Center on December 15th. We will be making glass ornaments while enjoying light refreshments and drinks. This event is for members, their spouses and friends, and any potential members. Details are within this newsletter.
Christina Marlier
PSCT President 2015-2016
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