Dear PSCT Members,
I would like to thank Jim Wasik for the presentation in October on the history and current objectives of our society. I received several positive comments regarding his walk down memory lane and I am very sorry to have missed it. I also want to thank Chrissy Stewart who filled in for me at the last minute because of a personal emergency.
Our next meeting is November 11th and Jim Gauntner will be giving a presentation on exterior coatings on wood. The November meeting will be held at Domenico’s in Cranberry Twp, 20550 RT 19N (Piazzo Plazo). The link to Domenico’s website to preview the venue or obtain directions is: Based upon feedback from those attending the October meeting we will continue to hold meetings at Domenico’s. There is plenty of parking on-site. The meeting registration and payment is also available on The Pittsburgh Society for Coatings Technology website,, which has been updated with a fresh look. The meeting notice and president’s message will be available and updated each month.
I would also like to inform you that the total number of PSCT members is presently up to 50. Please ask your friends and or colleagues to sign up and join the PSCT if they haven’t already. The PSCT Membership Application and Dues Renewal Form are in the back of the newsletter. The contact for Membership and Renewals is Britney Grabigel who can be reached at 724-274-3548. We always welcome new faces. I would also like to make sure people get to know other members by wearing name tags. All of us meet many people in our daily business travels and it is easy to forget a name that you haven’t seen in a while. We will provide them for the November meeting.
Finally, if you have a High School Senior or College level student, please review the requirements for the Hiram P. Ball Memorial Scholarship. In addition to the Scholarship award, a grant of $500 will be offered to one student who is enrolled in their third or fourth year of the Science, Technology, Math or Engineering Program. This grant is in addition to the Hiram P. Ball Memorial Scholarship award. All of the information will be in this newsletter
Cindy O’Malley
PSCT President 2013-2014
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