Dear PSCT Members,
I would like to thank Mitch Halpert of Huber for his informative presentation on ATH for Coatings Applications during our March meeting. Our speaker for April is Jim Reader from Air Products. His topic is “Predicting Defoamer Performance in Coating Formulations.” I look forward to an informative session. This is our last technical session this year. This meeting also includes voting on the 2016-2017 board members. The following people have been nominated:
President: Ken Cutler
Vice President: Mark DePasquale
Secretary: Chris Gehly
Treasurer: Dan Bickford
Director-at-Large: Andy Depage
Our May social event this year is Trivia Night at Roland’s Restaurant in the Strip District. The event will be held on May 9th at 6pm. Please sign up for a night of friendly competition and great food. Scholarship winners are welcome free of charge. Information on how to RSVP is contained in this newsletter. I look forward to seeing you all there to celebrate a wonderful year of PSCT!
Christina Marlier
PSCT president 2015-2016
President’s Message – April 2016
April 15, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
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