President’s Message
Dear PSCT Members,
I am quite honored to be serving the PSCT as President for the 2018-2019 year. Last year we had over 30 registered members and I hope we can increase that number this year. To help us reach this goal, we will be having a membership drive. If your membership for the 2018-2019 year is paid in full by October Meeting, you will be entered into a drawing for $91. The $91 is in celebration of our 91th year. The winner will be drawn at the October 8th meeting. Attendance to the October meeting is not required to win, but as always your support for high meeting attendance is appreciated.
The annual PSCT golf outing will be held on September 6th at Cedarbrook Golf Course. I would just like to thank all our sponsors and those who will be participating in this great event. As everyone knows, this is our primary fundraiser for our annual scholarship, so your participation is paramount to its success. Also, a special thanks to Sam Puglisi for organizing this event for yet another year. Your hard work is greatly appreciated.
One of the PSCT key objectives is to promote undergraduate students through the Hiram P. Ball Memorial Scholarship and STEM Grant. Please read the newsletter throughout the year to stay current with any updates regarding the requirements for this great scholarship. Last year we were able to award a total of $5,000 to the winners, so let us keep this tradition going. If you are interested in acting as the Scholarship Chair, or just participating in the Scholarship Committee, please contact a member of the board. The only requirement for the Scholarship Committee is that you currently do not have a child applying this year.
I am excited to announce that we already have some great speakers lined up for the upcoming year, but we do have room for a few more. Please consider sharing your expertise, or providing us with ideas for speakers and topics that you would find interesting. Note that we are not having a meeting in September and attendance at the Golf Outing will count towards the scholarship. To start off the year, Dustin Young of SSPC will be presenting at our October meeting on “Preparing Concrete for Coating Application”.
Lastly, I’d like to thank our new board members who have volunteered to support out 2018-2019 year. Those members are: Mark DePasquale (Past President), Cheryl Roberts (Vice President-President Elect), Chris Chaousy (Secretary), Art Kasson (Treasurer), Barb Anderson (Director-at-Large), Jim Wasik (ACA Liaison), and Jeff Scherm (Membership Chair).
The first meeting this year is scheduled at SSPC in Pittsburgh off of I-376 for October 8th. I look forward to seeing you there.
Chris Gehly
PSCT President 2018-2019
President’s Message – September 2018
September 7, 2018 by · Leave a Comment
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