Dear PSCT Members,
This PSCT year will begin with our annual Golf Outing on Thursday, September 9th at Birdsfoot Golf Club. If you are a golfer, I hope you will be able to sign up and check out the new venue this year! I want to thank Chris Gehly who is our golf chair for preparing for the event. Please see page 1 for the golf event and contact Chris at or pay on our website at to register. I for one am impressed by the long list of things that are included with the golf package: cannon blast and bagpiper at event start, skill prize markers, beverages provided every 3rd hole, and banquet dinner, just to name a few. Proceeds from the golf outing benefit the PSCT Hiram P. Ball Memorial Scholarship and STEM Grant Award which allow us every year to award students with a scholarship.
I would also like to thank Karen Hollertz for volunteering her time again this year to chair the scholarship committee. If you are interested in serving on the scholarship committee, please contact Karen. The scholarship application will be provided in upcoming newsletters if you are interested in having your children apply this year. It’s never too early to pay your membership dues! Thank you to Jeff Scherm for serving as our membership chair again this year. Please contact Jeff or visit the website to pay your membership dues. To celebrate our 94th year, if your membership is paid in full by September 30th, you will be entered into a drawing for $94. It is a nice award, coming from a person who has won the prize money in the past. The winner will be drawn at the October meeting and attendance at this meeting is not required to win. Good luck!
We have a full list of speakers for this upcoming year. Thank you to Barb Anderson, our Director-at-Large, who has been the ring leader with scheduling our speakers. The topics are very interesting, including “Antiviral Coatings” by Dr. Jack Burgman from PPG, who will be speaking at the October 11th meeting. We plan to offer the hybrid meetings again this year, for the safety of our members, so the meeting and presentation will be hosted at Roland’s with a virtual option.
Finally, I would like to thank the 2021-2022 PSCT board members for volunteering their time:
Vice President Art Kasson, Secretary Don Hart, Treasurer Andrew Meshanko, Director-at-Large Barb Anderson, ACA Liaison Mark DePasquale, and Past President Chris Chaousy. Additionally, thank you to Deb Longhini, our Communications Chair, for her continued involvement with the organization. This society would not be possible without our members and the hard work of the board members and committee members.
Julia Baur, PSCT President 2021-2022
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