Dear PSCT Members,
Spring is on the horizon but with recent warmer weather my condolences go out to anyone who enjoys the winter sports! I still think we’re in for a couple of arctic blasts before real Spring shows up! Keep those skis, skates and toboggans at the ready.
Come out to Rolands in March for our next scheduled speaker series dinner! On Monday March 13th we will host Scott Van Remortel, Applications & Technology Manager at Covia in Independence, Ohio. Scott’s talk is titled Advanced Filler Technology and Applications Update from Covia for Increased Physical Performance in Waterborne Industrial and Solar Reflectivity in Cool Coatings. The talk will begin promptly at 6:00PM. Join us at 5:30 to put in your food order and relax for a happy 30. RSVP if you are attending in-person. Thanks go out to Jerry Powers from Vibrantz who presented at our February meeting. Jerry spoke about VOC global regulations and gave a very informative and interesting presentation. If you’d like a copy of his presentation then you can let me know. A warm thanks also goes out to the several past presidents who showed up in force for this past month’s meeting. We thank you for your continued support of the PSCT.
Final Reminder – The application deadline for the Hiram P. Ball Memorial Scholarship is Wednesday, March 15th, 2023. A template scholarship form will be available at the end of this newsletter or you can access online at Applicants must be children of active members who meet eligibility requirements and have attended 4 PSCT events in 2022-2023 or student members who meet eligibility requirements.
At our February meeting we voted on and now have an addition to our by-laws which allow for memberships through a corporate sponsor. PPG is our first corporate sponsor, so if you work for PPG and want to join the PSCT for 2023-2024 then please let us know. Over the next months, we will be sending brochures out to employees at PPG who may have an interest in our organization.
I would like to remind everyone that membership is still open and encourage anyone who is interested in advertising their company or sales/business development team to contact us and let us know you would like to post your cards or advertisement in ¼, ½ or full-page advertisements in our monthly newsletter. These advertisements help support the operational fund for PSCT.
Details for our Spring social event which will take place on May 10th or 11th (TBD) will be found below. This year we are hoping to switch things up a bit and offer a show at Liberty Magic. Knowing if you are interested will be important for our final headcount which will be due at some point in April. Reach out to any board or committee member on the PSCT.
Over the next month, we will start thinking about elections for next years board and committee members. If you have any interest in helping out a great organization we have a few positions which are open for 2023-2024. Our volunteers are what keeps this organization growing and thriving. Please reach out to me at if you have an interest in helping out.
We look forward to seeing you all at Rolands on March 13th!
Best regards, Art Kasson, PSCT President 2022-2023
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